Thursday, January 15, 2009


Inspired by the steely New Year's resolve of King Wally, I will be increasing my blog output this year. Some of the features you can look forward to:
Book Reviews: Thanks to my semi-OCD buying spree, I have lots of (hopefully) good reading ahead. Unlike, say, 2008.
Cooking Update: One of my few resolutions is to increase the amount I cook. Until I get consistent dinner guests, you get the results.
Lint Of The Week: Each week I will choose the most noteworthy piece of lint from my navel for photographic and poetic exploration
Relationship Exhumation: I will go back through previous relationships, real and imagined, and dissect them through introspection, interviews (real or other), and photos. If needed, this may crossover with JT After Dark.
Books I'm Reading -- Live blogging!: I blog my thoughts as I read! Excerpt: "Page 100. Page 101. Bathroom break, will wash hands next time. Page 102. Shouldn't have eaten jerky before washing hands."
Airing of Grievances: Since Festivus once again failed to have an Airing of Grievances, I will instead have one online where I list in detail all the ways my friends and family have disappointed me over the preceeding year(s).

Vote for your favorites!


Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Lint of the week.

Vote Tebow!!!!11!!!

swcook said...

I second Lint. I intrawebs need more pix of lint.

swcook said...

THE interwebs.

Sorry for any confusion.